Here I will be outlining the art pieces I made for first semester of second year university classes and the inspiration behind it.
In second year, students niched down to two of the five studios, and we were also recommended to have consistent themes so this semester everything in sculpture was dragon themed and most of ceramics was dinosaur themed.
Because we were supposed to make these work a somewhat cohesive collection, I decided to create works aligning with the briefs but all representing my dragon Butters and specifically art based on the kind of monster trophies you can get in TTRPGs and video games.
The Series was called Precognitive Terror because it represents my fear of losing the character that means a lot to me, or I have invested a lot of time into.
Response to elements
For this task we had to utilise element themed techniques based on the 4 elements, fire, water, air and earth. To do this I use pyrography wood burning techniques to create the skull of my dragon character Butters.
This piece has since sold as of August 2024 through the Chapel Gallery Highfields.
Draft 1 work in progress
Draft 1 final
final piece work in progress
This Dragon is from my first Dungeons and Dragons game. He is a hybrid Black and Sliver dragon. if you want to learn more and see the cosplay of him, click the button below.
This task wanted is to work with the ideas of, restricting the body, extending the body, using body as for or body impression.
To do this I created a dragon mask uses both constrictive and extension ideas the mask through building the face out to be a larger shape and having eye covers that constrict my vision.
For this task I designed a taxidermy style dragon wing based in taxidermy and animal trophies.
I had been aiming to make two but ended up with just the one due to both time constraints and asymmetry
Wing armature
Butters mask work in progress
Butter mask final (for assessment)
6 wheel-thrown forms
The right 6 forms, each with a different prehistoric creature painted in a rainbow set.
Another 6 wheel-thrown forms with turned feet.
5 assorted experimental pieces of various styles, colours, themes and clay. Themes range from a Zelda inspired pot, ink splotch, centipede and a Therizinosaurus.
In ceramics module 3 is about how we decorate the forms made in task 1 and 2.
For this set I decided to decorate them with primarily dinosaurs.
© 2024 Sarah Mitchell