Pronounced Wesu, the Weseau Core's name is based on the French word oiseau, meaning bird. As such this court is populated by bird folk and birds.
Credit: CAT(格雷猫) on Artstation
After the split the bird fey took over a collection of eastern sky islands. They separated into groups based on their connection features and established villages in a few different biomes.
Over many years the fey evolved into more district species with discernible features and abilities.
The original Weseau fey had less defined features. The old Weseau were a lot more humanoid basically only having minor features and characterised with wings and feathers.
As the old fey separated into biomes that better suited their Overworld connection they slowly evolved to better suit their environment. The innate magic of the Wilds influenced the fey to grow more extreme features and abilities.
At the same time in the overworld the fey left behind followed a similar line of evolution but the lack of innate magic made their evolution less extreme while they also lost the abilities granted by their experimental biology and soul connection. These creatures became birdfolk, lesser angels and harpies.
The Weseau Core is a cool environment of floating sky islands and each fey here is inspired by an over-world bird species. Because of this, biomes pretty closely meet individual's requirements. There are 3 main biomes in the Weseau core, moderate-cool forested islands, cold lake islands and cool/dry cliff islands.
Dark forest
Credit: Kalen Chock on kalenart.blogspot
Sky lakes
Credit: David Riddle on Pintrest
Sandy cliffs
Credit: D&Dbeyond
Wren Court
Ozero Court
Petroli Court
Maturity Stages:
First, the fledgling stage, equivalent to human babies to toddlers, which lasts 5-7 years.
Second, the juvenile stage which lasts 5 years.
Third, the adolescent stage which lasts 5-10 years.
The final stage is maturity or adulthood, fey do not die of old age.
All Weseau fey are connected to a bird in the overworld.
Society and culture, each court has its own social structure and governing bodies.
Ability, each fey type has a different power.
Colour Pallets.
Personality, each court has one of three standard personality traits.
Mating practices and community:
Wren fey are one of the only gendered fey and their populations is about 50/50 female to male.
The social dynamic of Wren fey is that of a large close-knit community similar to a large family.
Wren fey mate with many different individuals in their life but partners will always stay together to raise an offspring before they go their separate ways. They are led by elected officials in the cities.
Primary export:
Woven plant fibre creations (baskets)
Colours and patterns:
Wren fey can be different colour combinations and body patterns. Their patterns and colours are normally based on the overworld bird they are connected to. (The example fey is connected to a hummingbird, this specimen has its own patterns but hummingbird colours.)
Wren fey are characterised by their Bird heads or masks, individuals who do not have a bird head naturally craft a mask in a similar style, they also have feathers either for hair or in their hair, feathery tails and large strong wings.
Wren fey have the social personality trait. Social courts are generally more happy and friendly, they are more likely to share and socialise with both humans and members of other courts. They are also the easiest of the courts to find and negotiate with, but they are often tricksters looking for a laugh so be caution around their eagerness.
Wren fey have the unique ability of near perfect mimicry. They can copy voices and environmental sounds similar to Lyrebirds or creatures of myth who mimic voices to lure people. Luckily Wren fey are not malicious just tricksters, they will not intentionally do something that will hurt or injure someone but will enact pranks, and harmless jokes.
Wren fey are inspired by Aarokocra from Dungeons and Dragons as well as other anthropomorphic birds.
The Wren court occupies a set of heavily forested sky islands. Most Wren fey live in one of three large tree cities, each positioned on a different island.
Credit: Дарья on Pinterest
Credit: Hajoschusons on Pinterest
Credit: Pinterest
Mating practices and community:
Ozero fey are highly androgenous fey who reproduce asexually, they normally only have 1 or 2 offspring and raise children as single parents. Ozero fey are very self-focused and individualist society with a universally competitive nature. Because of this their society puts a high value on achievements and sports, specifically winter sports.
Primary export:
Fish and iron
Colours and patterns:
Ozero fey can be coloured in shades of black to white, brown and occasionally green with unique, bird inspired body patterns, but their patterns and colours are normally based on the overworld bird they are connected to. (The example fey is connected to a black goose, from which it takes its colours and patterns.)
Ozero fey are characterised by their faceless heads surrounded in halos of wings and eyes. The wings and eyes can also appear across the body.
Ozero fey have the shy personality trait. Shy courts tend to occupy more shaded or naturally hidden biomes and will most likely hide in the shadows observing outsiders warily. It is very unlikely that they can be found if they do not want to be. As such, it is only when they have determined people are safe that they will approach them.
Ozero fey have the unique ability allowing them to control wind and water. They use these abilities to make heavy cloud cover and storms to keep outsiders away from their civilisations. They also use their wind control to help them fly with their small decorative wings, and use their water powers in water sports and to freeze lakes for skating.
Ozero fey are inspired by Biblically accurate angels with the colours of waterfowls.
The Ozero court occupies a collection of islands covered in lakes, both frozen and unfrozen. Most Ozero fey live in many medium sized towns based on a unique event or competition run there.
Credit: Assassins Creed Valhalla
Credit: Alessandro Accebbi on Pinterest
Credit: Felicia Fantasia on Pinterest
Mating practices and community:
Petroli fey are an androgenous fey but often lean further towards femininity. The social dynamic of Petroli fey is that of an animalistic and competitive tribal society. They have small family dynamics that don't change, and tribal leaders are established through battle. Any individual can challenge the leader for their position.
Petroli Fey have one partner in their life and often have 2 or more offspring.
Primary export:
Sedimentary stone and copper
Colours and patterns:
Petroli fey can be coloured in shades of brown and grey with various body patterns. Their patterns and colours are normally based on the overworld bird they are connected to. (The example fey is connected to a Golden Eagle, this specimen colours and patterns based on their eagle.)
Petroli fey are characterised by their more bird shaped bodies/legs with talons, they also have human faces, feathers across their body and in their hair, and wings connected to their arms.
Petroli fey have the Aggressive personality trait. Aggressive courts often have a large a military or guard and are very confrontational, as such visitors to these courts should be cautions as fey here will likely attack with little to no provocation. They are more likely to be malicious and have the most advanced weaponry. Petroli's animalistic nature will lead them to attack, capture and even eat trespassers.
Petroli fey have the unique ability of fear manipulation and intimidation. They can influence the fear emotions through triggering hormones that cause the fear reaction causing their foe or prey to struggle against them. On top of this they can similarly intimidate while raising their feathers to appear more intimidating.
Petroli fey are inspired by Harpies and the bird style Sirens from Greek Mythology.
The Petroli court, occupies a collection of small, shattered islands with prominent cliff faces. Most Petroli fey live in large tribes on the cliff sides in wood and thatch, nest like homes.
Credit: Rebecca Markley on Pinterest
Credit: Sariya on Pinterest
Credit: Will Beckers, The willowman
All creature art has been taken from Pinterest, find them in at my in my creature pin board. Click the pin below.
© 2024 Sarah Mitchell