Hello Adventurers,

Here is the overview of my original species of Fey.

This species occupies the Feywild of my custom fantasy world. The feywild was once part of the overworld but separated and ripped its way into another plane. In the Fey wild there is one type of upper fey, the Archfey, as well as 12 lesser fey categorised into 4 Cores.

These Fey were created as an experiment of the gods being mistreated and abused, they escaped into another plane and evolved in an environment of magic and sky islands.

The Fey

There are 12 species of lesser fey, each living in their courts with unique features and abilities. There are 3 courts to a core.

Click a button to skip the world lore and meet the fey.

Weseau Core:

Wren, the small bird court

Ozero, the waterfowl court

Petroli, the raptor court

Ravari Core:

Lepidot, the butterfly and moth court

Exogota, the mantis and dragonfly court

Coltera, the beetle court

The 12 Courts

Credit: CAT(格雷猫) on Artstation

Bimorae Core:

Albre, the tree court

Galus, the flower court

Catcu'teae, the succulent court

Morbode Core:

Araneae, the spider court

Kitsu, the fox court

Mycelus, the mushroom court

Fey Wilds Origin

In the overworlds

The fey were created as an experiment by the gods. They were seen as the toys of a rich child, somthing to be played with without regard for their wellbeing. If they were broken, so be it, they can always get more.

In the beginning the Feywild was connected to the overworld along the now cliff-faced edge of a lost continent. It was a place few ventured into for fear of danger or death as many monstrous creatures lurked there and if caught there they may be used in the god's experiments.
When the wilds were created there were only a few gods, the first gods and the elemental gods. The elemental gods were the first to create life on the planet, but they lack the empathy or true consciousness required to consider the implications of their action regarding their experiments.

The Wilds are home to mostly creatures created through the combination of usually incompatible species resulting in dangerous and chaotic hybrids.

Creation of the first fey

The first fey were made through combining the pre-humanoid golems, that were the beginning of all humanoids, and other living things such as plants and animals. 7 of the experiments survived the process.

The process involved linking the soul of flora and fauna with the humanoid golems. This the origin of the over-world connection. The process was luckily painless for the subjects, but few completed the process successfully and awoke.

The first fey to complete the creation process were the plant fey. Combining plants as opposed to creatures proved easier. Due to this success more Bimorae (tree) fey were created before others completed the process.

The fey that followed

Slowly some other fey combinations survived the process. The second to do so were the Ravari (insect) fey. followed by the Weseau (bird) fey. Each were subjected to an array of experiments to text their hardiness ranging from being forced to fight mutant creatures to being subjected to extreme environments and forced to adapt to survive.

Until now the elemental gods had been left to their own devices regarding this wasteland of a landscape. As Humanoid creatures evolved societies and cultures more gods appeared. These new gods found interest in these experiments and the war god wanted to see how the existing fey would react to the introduction of evil fey.

To do this they combined their humanoid golems with things seen as dark omens or generally bad. The first of these experiments to survive were the spider fey. As they appeared similar to the Ravari (insect) fey results were unpredictable. The Ravari fey ultimately reacted negatively, they rejected these fey, later classes as Morbode fey, because they saw them as too foreign, and dark/evil. Despite the nature of this experiments the fey are not inherently evil but, because of this rejection they were constricted to a separate area, a sort of discard box of used experiments. This experiment was tested two more times to the same effect with Mushroom fey with the Bimorae (plants) and the Fox fey (who didn't fit with any existing fey).

Creation of the Archfey and the Split

The last fey species to be created was the Archfey. They were created through the combination of each existing fey into one creature. The first Archfey to be created was Alfey. He and the other Archfey had the ability to shift into the form and access the abilities of any of the existing archfey. This allowed them to be accepted by the other fey unlike the Morbode Fey.

This led to the Archfey convincing the other fey to attempt to free themselves from this prison to write their own future and live. With the support of lesser fey led others to break the 'country' off the continent resulting in it breaking up into a large collection of sky islands. the islands are densely packed with Airstone, a crystalline structure far lighter the air creating an unusual gravitational field.

In this new world Alfey ascended to godhood due to his unified following. After the split the fey moved out into different quarters of the Wilds inhabiting biomes that better supported their natures while Archfey built a city in the centre of the plane. As time went on Weseau, Ravari and Brimorae fey each evolved 3 different species based on their overworld connection.

Credit: Chris Green on Pintrest

Hierarchy Breakdown

History and Hierarchy

After the split the fey moved out into different quarters of the Wilds inhabiting biomes that better supported their natures and abilities while the Archfey built a city in the centre of the plane. This lead to the creation of the 4 cores, each home to a different fey genus. As time went on Weseau, Ravari and Brimorae fey each evolved 3 different species depending on what thing they were connected to in the overworld. Each species lives within their own Court Sectors which acting as Kingdoms,

Each Court instigates their own rulings and have various types of governments, but an Archfey acts independently above them and can overrule any court judgements although they rarely do.

Overworld Connection

Each lesser fey is connected to a respective specimen in the overworld, this connection determines the Fey's physical characteristics such as shapes, colours and sometimes size. Because features are determined by their connection fey rarely look like their parents. The fey will not die if their specimen dies but they will enter a dim and muted aura until they are connected with another creature of their type. For them to connect with another they require a creature of their type to be available. This may take a while as young fey who haven’t had a specimen yet will get one first. Due to time differences in the wilds vs the overworld very few connected specimens die of old age.

Baby and juvenile fey who have yet to be connected with an overworld specimen will have generic features related to their species and muted or monotone grey colours. Once connections are made their features set permanently and they cannot connect to a different type of specimen. (eg. Monarch Lepidot cannot connect with an Atlas moth specimen)


Archfey like the god Alfey are a different family of fey, upheld over the cores by birthright and power with their ability to shapeshift and share any characteristics of any fey court. Made by the gods forcibly combining each lesser fey type into one creature.

Naturally Archfey have grey skin and androgenous bodies and dark eyes, but they are more likely to replicate a fey species. The fey god Alfey does this as he mainly appears as a blue or pink Lepidot Fey.

Archfey do not have a linked overworld creature and can therefore be shapes and colours other fey cannot.

Credit: natalie-forbess-ghost-portrait.jpg on Artstation


Each fey court has 1 of 3 typical personality trait. The traits are social, aggressive and shy.

Social courts are generally more happy and friendly, they are more likely to share and socialise with both humans and other courts. They are also the easiest of the courts to find and negotiate with, but they are often tricksters looking for a laugh so be caution around their eagerness.

Aggressive courts often have a large a military or guard and are very confrontational, as such visitors to these courts should be cautions as fey here will likely attack with little to no provocation. They are more likely to be malicious and have the most advanced weaponry.

Shy courts tend to occupy more shaded or naturally hidden biomes and will most likely hide in the shadows observing outsiders warily. It is very unlikely that they can be found if they do not want to be. As such, it is only when they have determined people are safe that they will approach them.

Weseau (wesu) Core

based on the French word oiseau, meaning bird.

The Weseau Core is a cool environment of many small sky islands and strong winds, each fey here is connected to an over-world bird species.

Because the local fey here can fly there are no bridges between islands.

Wren Court

Wren: the small bird court established in forests and woods.

Colour: Many assorted colour combinations,

Characteristics: Bird heads/masks and strong wings,

Personality: Social,

Ability: Mimicry

(Similar to D&D Aarakocra)

Ozero Court

Ozero: the waterfowl court established on frozen lakes.

Colour: Black, white and brown. Rarely green,

Characteristics: Faceless, wings and eyes in assorted places over the body,

Personality: Shy,

Ability: Wind and water control

(Similar to Angels)

Based on o3epo, russian.

Petroli Court

Petroli: the raptor court established in mountainous cliffs.

Colour: Browns,

Characteristics: Bird body, human face, talons ect.

Personality: Aggressive,

Ability: Fear manipulation

(Similar to Harpies)

Based on petolintu, Finnish

Ravari Core

based on the Hungarian word rovar, meaning insect.

The Ravari Core is a cool environment of sky islands positioned in a ring and covered in dense forests and mountains, each fey here is connected to an over-world insect species.

Lepidot Court

Lepidot: The butterfly/moth court established in temperate flower forests.

Colour: Vibrant colours,

Characteristics: Opaque face wings and big wings,

Personality: Shy,

Ability: Insect control and super senses

Named after Lepidoptera order

Exogota Court

Exogeta: The mantis/dragonfly court established in mountains.

Colour: Bright/light colours,

Characteristics: Transparent face wings and insect body parts,

Personality: Social,

Ability: Heliokenisis (sun powers) and light manipulation

Named after Exopterygota order

Coltera Court

Coltera: The beetle court established in rainforests.

Colour: Dark/muted colours,

Characteristics: no wings, natural body armour.

Personality: Aggressive,

Ability: Super strength

Named after Coleoptera order

Brimoae Core

based on the Albanian word bimore, meaning plant.

The Brimoae Core is the warmest environment creating large forests, plain lands and dry savanna sky islands, each fey here is connected to an over-world plant species.

Natural stone and plant ropes hold these islands together allowing the local fey to travel between them.

Albre Court

Albre: The tree court established in redwood forests.

Colour: Colours vary,

Characteristics: Tallest/largest fey with leaf hair.

Personality: Shy,

Ability: Plant control

Name is French for tree

Galus Court

Galus: The flower court established in Meadows.

Colour: Bright and vibrant colours,

Characteristics: Petals on face an body.

Personality: Social,

Ability: charm and pheromone manipulation

Named after Astragalus genus

Catcu'teae Court

Catcu'teae: The succulent court established in savannas.

Colour: Greens,

Characteristics: Spikes and multiple limbs.

Personality: Aggressive,

Ability: Natural weapons and spike growth

Named after Cactaceae family

Morbode Core

based on the morbid + forebode, this is the dark core.

The Morbode Core is a cold wet environment of caves and caverns within one large island. This is where all the rejected fey species were sent, here each fey is connected to a relevant over-world creature.

Araneae Court

Araneae: The spider court established in deep caverns.

Colour: Dark colours,

Characteristics: Spider bodies and limbs and many eyes,

Personality: Aggressive,

Ability: webbing and shadow manipulation

Named after the spider order

Kitsu Court

Kitsu: The fox court established in shallow caves.

Colour: Neutral colours and shades of red,

Characteristics: Multiple tails, fox ears and dark limbs,

Personality: Social,

Ability: Illusions and fox shifting

Named after Kitsune, Japanese

Mycelus Court

mycelus: The mushroom court established in wet caverns.

Colour: Various colours,

Characteristics: Smallest fey, mushroom heads,

Personality: Shy,

Ability: Telepathy and vitality absorption

Named after mycelium

Dive deeper into the lore of each Core through these buttons.

© 2024 Sarah Mitchell